Tag: astrology partnership

Astrology Attraction Compatibility – Are You Attracted To Them? Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter
Sidereal Astrology Love, Featured, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility

Astrology Attraction Compatibility – Are You Attracted To Them? Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter

Are You Attracted To Them? Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter - Astrology Attraction Compatibility: Sun is important because it's your happiness, your soul and your strength. It is also romance, which is why its used so much in compatibility. Venus symbolises the love bond, like marriage, the "joining connection" of partnership and marriage. The sun symbolises the courtship, the getting to know someone. The right kind of creating happiness to lead to a relationship. Jupiter represents the ability to be a teacher and student in the role of a husband. To provide wealth and wisdom. Ok so there are four main types of relationships... girl to girl, girl to guy, girl to guy and guy to guy... Enjoy! The colours below are chakras/nerve clusters. -- Girl to Girl [Female Friends and/or Lesb...
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