Descendant in Virgo (6)

Descendant in Virgo:

Ascendant in Pisces Descendant in Virgo Free Sidereal Astrology Vedic Jyotish Zodiac Star Signs Constellations

Descendant in Virgo

If Virgo is the sign on the cusp of your 7th house then you’ll be attracted to grounded, discerning partners who know how to take care of the details in life…especially your sexual life. The part of yourself you might not be aware of if Virgo is in your 7th house is the more critical, fault finding traits, perfectionist seeking traits. Therefore, you’ll attract a love and sex partner who is all too willing to remind you of where it is you need improvements. With Virgo in the 7th house you’ll attract a love you can rely on and one who will never falter in helping you take care of the little things in life that simply must be done. Efficiency with the practical side of life is a trait you’ll admire in a partner if Virgo is in your 7th house. That might not be the most romantic quality, but it can surely be useful. (Source).

Descendant in Virgo:

Descendant in Virgo:

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