Film Movie: Twilight Astrology Sidereal Readings Celebrity

Film Twilight Movie Sidereal Astrology Readings
Film Twilight Movie Sidereal Astrology Readings
Edward Cullen “The Vampire”



– Wears a lot of black and white.

– Believes he has no soul.

– Concerned with other people rather than himself.

– Vampire is symbolic of death.

– Possessive of Bella.

– Thinks he is evil.

Film Twilight Movie Sidereal Astrology Readings
Isabella Swan “The Shield”


– Wears Cancer’s stone on her ring, Moonstone.

– Her psychic abilities are a protective shield, like a crab’s shell/home.

– Caring of everyone.

– Is the mother.

– Worries.

– Always listening to music.

Film Twilight Movie Sidereal Astrology Readings
Jacob Black “The Spirit Wolf”


– Native American animal for Pisces is the Wolf.

– Believes in old-school romance and love.

– Teacher, teaches Bella to ride bikes.

– Dreams, gives her a dream catcher.

Stephanie Meyer Film Twilight Movie Sidereal Astrology Readings
Stephanie Meyer

Ketu in Gemini

Innate knowledge of writing.

Saturn in Gemini

Stability in writing.

Mars in Aries

Energy in doing stuff first.

Mercury in Scorpio

Intelligent about and writes about the occult.

Sun and Moon in Sagittarius

Brain is concerned with Higher Knowledge.

Venus and Jupiter in Capricorn

Love and Wisdom in ambition, long term and money.

(c) Watcher, S, 2014. Celebrities Horoscopes: Twilight Movie. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 May 2014].

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