Tag: Chiron in Gemini

Free Sidereal Astrology – Chiron in Gemini

Sidereal Astrology Chiron, Chart Content

Chiron in Gemini

Chiron in Gemini Chiron in Gemini deals with communication and the nervous system. They may need healing for the way they communicate. Maybe they are terribly shy or maybe they feel no one listens to them. Perhaps they feel unable to communicate clearly enough or feel they are not as smart as those around them. Whatever the problem, they need to take the time to learn how to overcome it. They should take some time and list the things they are very knowledgeable about. This will give them more confidence. They should spend time researching. They could practice speaking or writing in order to communicate their ideas. Chiron's gift should be used to broaden their horizons in ways they didn't think was possible. http://www.alwaysastrology.com/chiron-signs.html
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