Ascendant in Cancer (4) / Descendant in Capricorn (8)

Ascendant in Cancer / Descendant in Capricorn:

Ascendant in Cancer Descendant in Capricorn Free Sidereal Astrology Vedic Jyotish Zodiac Star Signs Constellations

Your family is important to you, especially your mother. You need emotional stability through harmonious family relationships. You are protective of those you love but your family can control you. You will drive to overcome control, but you will cling to security beyond endurance. Your partner can be business minded and ambitious which can become a dominant factor. You may feel trapped in domestic responsibilities while your partner is out pursuing his/her own interests. In marriage you may not see what is happening. Control can be more of an invisible web or influence rather than a daily thing, but you may feel you are walking on thin ice, surrounded by an invisible wall of control. You will nurture your marriage because you want it to work. You will try to change yourself and to focus on the marriage more than the person because being married and having a secure family base makes you feel secure. Security is important to you and you have a strong need to keep the family together, even if you have to sacrifice your own happiness. Where family support is concerned, it can be either too controlling or totally lacking. You may turn yourself inside out to keep things going, but you may reach a stage where you need to be there for yourself. You may face issues of security and control in your family, your partner’s family or closely associated family connections. If you nurture and care for your family and build your future security with your partner and family, then you will have enduring and long-lasting relationships. (Source).

Ascendant in Cancer / Descendant in Capricorn:

Ascendant in Cancer / Descendant in Capricorn:

< Ascendant

< Descendant

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