Ascendant in Aquarius (11) / Descendant in Leo (5)

Ascendant in Aquarius / Descendant in Leo:

Ascendant in Aquarius Descendant in Leo Free Sidereal Astrology Vedic Jyotish Zodiac Star Signs Constellations

You like to look at everything from different angles. You need the freedom to pursue your own community interests and goals outside your relationships, but this can lead to difficulties within your relationships. You identify with feeling, but you don’t live in your own feelings. Your emotions are detached and you see everything from an objective point of view. You will accept circumstances that you know you cannot change (or cannot be changed). Your friendly approach attracts people, but your partner will try to teach you to get in touch with your feelings. He/she can be dramatic, warm and affectionate and involved in emotionally-charged situations which you may prefer to detach from, but this can lead to upset feelings because your partner wants your emotional support. You prefer non-involvement in emotionally-charged confrontations and you try to restore friendship through unemotional alternatives. Although you will not live in feeling or display emotion, you will remain loyal and supportive of your partner, but your partner may feel unsupported by your non-confrontational and detached attitude which can lead to conflict in the relationship. Your partner may be outspoken and dramatic which can challenge you to become more involved to reach out and develop warmth of feeling and emotion. You must try to balance your separate interests with the interests of your partner otherwise your marriage can become lukewarm. If you find the balance in love, your partner can be your best friend and greatest admirer. (Source).

Ascendant in Aquarius / Descendant in Leo:

Ascendant in Aquarius / Descendant in Leo:

< Ascendant

< Descendant

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