Tag: birth

27 Nakshatra Basics
All About Sidereal Astrology Nakshatra, Featured, Free Sidereal Astrology Definitions and Terms

27 Nakshatra Basics

Planets, Nature, Disposition, and Animal in visual coloured charts representing each nakshatra position.For more about each sign past the 27 Nakshatra Basics see; All About the 27 Nakshatras. Planets 27 Nakshatra Basics Sun: Blue. Moon: Purple. Mercury: Cyan. Venus: Green. Mars: Yellow. Jupiter: Orange. Saturn: Red. Rahu: Brown. Ketu: Grey. Nature 27 Nakshatra Basics Deva (god-like): White, Manushya (human): Grey, Rakshasa (demonic): Black. Deva: "Deva gana nature is humble, generous and kind-hearted. According to deva gana features, these persons possesses good temperament, good behaviour and tend to follow all the cultural rules and traditions. Deva gana people appreciate the good qualities of others and avoid getting into quarrels, and refrain f...
Sidereal Astrology Love, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility

Vedic Astrology Moon Nakshatra Marriage Compatibility

All About Nakshatras: The 27 Nakshatras; Ashvini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati, all find themselves compatible with each other in different ways. You need to look at all the levels of compatibility, not just one area. You can get a point in each area and add them up at the end to see your overall compatibility. This is a breakdown of compatibility for marriage, friendship is an entirely different matter. Remember to look at all your Moon, Sun and Lagna nakshatras for compatibility, though the Moon sign should be the most looked at place...
Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra’s affect on the Face? (Men and Women)
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, All About Sidereal Astrology Nakshatra, Featured, Sidereal Astrology Love

Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra’s affect on the Face? (Men and Women)

Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra's affect on the Face? (Men and Women): - www.freesiderealastrology.com Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra's affect on the Face? (Men and Women): - www.freesiderealastrology.comClaire Nakti from Cosmetique Astrology discusses some of the affect your nakshatra can have on your facial structure for Moon, Sun and Ascendant. With special emphasis on the strength of the Moon's position on your facial structure. Adding that planets aspecting (especially Rahu / Ketu) the 1st House or placed in the 1st House can also provide energy that can have an affect on your face.She discusses men and women in separate videos. Though you may find that the opposite gender's video may be applicable to you also.Link to Full Seri...
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, Sidereal Astrology Love

Author: Where will meet partner / symbolism at meeting

Marriage/Spouse Meeting circumstances in Astrology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbRvzpOE4tE Where, How and What You See. Men: Find where Venus is in chart, sign (where), house (how). Women: Find where Jupiter is in chart, sign (where), house (how). 7th Lord's opposition = symbolism in first meeting. Example: Women: Aries Ascendant, 7th Lord is Venus, Jupiter in Taurus in 1st House, opposition of Taurus/1st is Scorpio in 7th. So for meeting as a woman it may be in a place of sex or taxes, and the symbolism could be a symbol of beauty, or balance. Men: Aries Ascendant, 7th Lord is Venus, Venus in Scorpio in 8th House, opposition of Scorpio/8th is Taurus in 2nd. So for meeting as a man it may be in a place of luxury or a bank, and the symbolism could be somethin...
How to do Divisional Charts Free
Sidereal Astrology Guide Step 9: Knowledge, Useful

How to do Divisional Charts Free

Part 1: How To Use and Make Free “Zet 9 Program” Part 2: How to do Divisional Charts Free Settings > Chart Settings > Fourth tab. > Zodiac > Sidereal > Sidereal Ayanamsa > Krishnamurti > Harmonic Chart, press the >> Vargas; D1 Rasi D2 Hora D3 Drekkana D4 Chaturthamsa D7 Saptamsa D9 Navamsa D10 Dasamsa D12 Dwadasamsa D16 Shodasamsa D20 Vimsamsa D24 Siddhamsa D27 Nakshatramsa D30 Trimsamsa D40 Khavedamsa D45 Akshavedamsa D60 Shashtyamsa Square or Circle Chart: Settings > Chart Settings Second Tab [W] > Mode Traditional Chart > dropdown menu > Untick = Circle > Tick = choose, South Indian Regular = Square > Tick = choose, North Indian (diamond chart) = Square
Friends and Lessons
Sidereal Astrology Guide Step 9: Knowledge, Sidereal Astrology Sun

Friends and Lessons

When you meet a new person in your life, sometimes, you wonder why they are there. Why they have appeared for you in this way, at this time and how to respond to them being in your environment. Ie, sometimes you fall in love with someone because "assume their role" is to be a partner, but its possible their lesson is very different for you. Or a friend turns into an enemy. These are examples of how to know who some people are in your life. How to know who is your friend and why: 11th Lord = Lord of Circle of Friends 1st Lord = Ascendant Count around backwards. 11th Lord = Sign. Sign ruler Planet = 11th Lord. 11th Lord (is in) 8th House. Rules over the people you like in your environment. 11th = community, groups of people, social circle, ideas, incoming...
What is the Ascendant, Descendant, Imum Coeli, and Midheaven
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 4: Comfort

What is the Ascendant, Descendant, Imum Coeli, and Midheaven

First: How to calculate Midheaven and Imum Coeli Ascendant [1st House Lord] To understand the Ascendant, lets start with an example, of Sun. The Sun is at a point on the day of your birth, this is called your "sun sign". Thinking of your birthday each year, you understand that the Sun returns back to your "birth sign" each year. This is what you are celebrating, the heightened "strength of the sun" within your body. The Sun takes 12 months to go around all the signs and return back to where it is "native" for you. The sun creates your Birth Sign, and also creates your Ascendant. The Sun creates your sign based on "day" of the year. The Sun creates your Ascendant based on "hour" of the day of your birth. Every 2.5 hours, the Sun's "light" hits a different constellation...
The Three Levels of Education and Knowledge
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, Sidereal Astrology Sun

The Three Levels of Education and Knowledge

Mercury, Sun and Jupiter all influence your levels of education and information you take in over your life. Though there are distinct differences between each. All are necessarily for "learning" things. Mercury = Information. Street smarts. "Processing". Basic intelligence. "Youthful lessons". Communication. Mercury is the Processor of your body. It's job is to "take in information" and then sort it. To turn the information into readable language for the rest of your body to interpret. It is your ability to be able to "communicate your information" to the external environment. Mercury is the "exchange of data", it is communicating information. Example; Someone with Moon in Virgo and Mercury in Capricorn. The person has a "quick mind/moon" though their actual "proces...
How To Calculate Midheaven Imum Coeli
Sidereal Astrology Midheaven, Sidereal Astrology Imum Coeli

How To Calculate Midheaven Imum Coeli

How To Calculate Midheaven Imum Coeli There are two types of “housing” systems used in Astrology. So you can use either technique to determine how you are going to calculate your Midheaven and Imum Coeli. The first is using all the houses by counting around by Ascendant. Ascendant = 1st House ruling sign. If Ascendant = Aries, then Imum Coeli would be Cancer and Midheaven would be Capricorn. If Ascendant = Taurus, then Imum Coeli would be Leo and Midheaven would be Aquarius, etc etc. This is called a whole house system. The second system does not use whole house systems. Calculating each house by specific degrees. Such as the Ascendant starts at 26 degrees, so because not all the signs are the same size, then where the 26 degrees intersects is sometimes not the actu...
What Kind Of Shoes Do You Like? What Influences Your Feet.
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

What Kind Of Shoes Do You Like? What Influences Your Feet.

So the 12th House/Pisces rules over your feet. As you can see from the above image and depending on what is affecting the House/Sign, determines how you treat your feet :). 12th Lord. Look to the 12th Lord in terms of the overall feeling of your feet. The Lord's placement is considered fuel in the engine rather than the car itself. But definitely affects the "overall vibe" of your feet and the whisper in your ear of how to treat them. To figure out out the Lord, follow this article for a quick further help. For example, for an Aries Ascendant, Jupiter will rule over the 12th House. When you have worked out your ruling planet (in the above example, Jupiter), you look to where Jupiter is in your birth chart and see where it is placed. So the 12th Lord is in the _ house. Whe...
A Day In The Life Of Signs
Astrology Videos

A Day In The Life Of Signs

This series is random fun :). This is actors/actresses acting out a group environment of the signs in their daily lives :). You can watch the videos as, say if you have Venus in Scorpio and Sun in Sagittarius, both of these videos will prompt interest for you as they are a part of you. Just will form different expressions of you, you would get Happy watching the Sun video and feel Joined watching the Venus video... etc etc All planets are worth a watch :), to see how your inner parts act through your entire self :). Enjoy! ~~ Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
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