Sun in 4th House

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“Fourth house is related to all things domestic – family life, possessions, property and so on. Sun in 4th house means, the person takes a lot of interest in matters concerning the domestic side of his or her life. Such a person will take good care of his property and family’s welfare and social status. Being deeply rooted in home and bound to family ties, the native will have a higher sense of domestic security. You are proud of your heritage and traditions you identify with and do everything necessary to preserve them. Sun in fourth house also gives the native increased vitality and strength in the latter half of life.”

Read more in Sun in Fourth House by Indastro Vedic Astrology

“As Sun loses its motivational power and directional strength in the considered house, it indicates less natural power of Sun which translates to having lower levels of asserting power and other traits related to it.

It shows that 4th House Sun individuals are very sensitive and gentle from their souls (Sun). They would rather prefer a gentle way of dealing with daily matters.

When it comes to opposition, they prefer solving challenges and conflicts passively via peaceful or non-confrontational ways.

In addition to that, these individuals become excessively sensitive to the opposition which causes taking everything personally resulting in disappointments and increased emotional pains.

Auspicious results are indicated and amplified when Sun is dignified in the 4th house making them very righteous-minded. In such a situation, their gentleness is motivated by humbleness.

On the contrary, an undignified Sun in the given house indicates having an unjust mentality. When combining this effect with Sun with no momentum, it indicates that kindness or gentleness can be caused by selfish reasons.”

Read more in Sun in 4th House by Astrology Community

A person with Sun in the 4th house is focused on the development of their early roots, which include immediate family, heritage and ancestral background. The fourth house describes the emotional undercurrents and hidden factors that shape our conscious personality.

The family background affects individual confidence and identity, so it is important for those with this placement to have their own home which they can be proud. Sometimes this also experienced as an important need towards introversion and introspection and they wish to concentrate on their most private sphere, and they may want to stay at home for protection and shelter.

Usually, the relationship with the father may have been important and the solar light is sometimes projected onto male figures in the home. In addition, the individual is heavily influenced by his father’s wants and creative expression and the past has a powerful influence over the unfolding personality.

Often the individual will find fulfilment through creating a home that gives them a sense of security and safety. It’s coming back to one’s origins, and digging inside for the depths of their early feelings. Some people need stay near the childhood home, maintaining early relationships and re-creating the nostalgic feeling.

By the same token, some leave and emigrate from their early home and re-create their roots. The struggle is individuating separately from the family because the past usually equals safety and what is known.

These people are strongly traditional, and possess a strong urge to settle down. Their attention may be particularly focused on the parents and habitat. Arguably, there is a strong need to shine in one’s dwelling place, and the individual may work from home. It is also likely that, the person will be focused on spiritual and inner development.

“The sense of a “me-in-here” provided by the I.C and the 4th house lends an inner unity to all thought, feelings, perceptions and actions. In the same way we are biologically self-maintaining and self- regulating, the IC and 4th house serve to maintain the individual characteristics of the self in stable form.” By Howard Sasportas.

If the rest of the chart is in accord, the fourth house individual may be very private, introverted and subjective. Personal security lies at the core of the personality and deep family attachments occur through both positive and negative experiences. The need to establish strong foundations in the world and emotional stability are powerful factors in the destiny of the individual.

Written in Sun in 4th House by The Astrology Place

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