Sidereal Astrology Love

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What will you need from your spouse? Planets as DaraKaraka (7 indepth videos)
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, Featured, Sidereal Astrology Love

What will you need from your spouse? Planets as DaraKaraka (7 indepth videos)

What will you need from your spouse" Planets as DaraKaraka Dara Karaka (7 indepth videos) dharakaraka dhara karaka - What will you need from your spouse" Planets as DaraKaraka Dara Karaka (7 indepth videos) dharakaraka dhara karaka - This is a series of videos on the individual placement of Dara Karaka in Jaimini positions. This affects what you need from your spouse and the kind of person they are, in terms of how they influence the weakest part of who you feel you are... etc. These videos by Kadambari are an excellent resource for learning what Darakaraka is and why it affects your spouse. I found my video incredibly accurate and so assume you will too. How to find out which planet is your Darakaraka: How to ca...
7th Lord Nakshatra positions / Darakaraka Nakshatra
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, All About Sidereal Astrology Nakshatra, Sidereal Astrology Love

7th Lord Nakshatra positions / Darakaraka Nakshatra

27 Nakshatra video series on the affect the 7th Lord's nakshatra and DaraKaraka's nakshatra can have on your partner.Using the 7th Lord nakshatra and Darakaraka nakshatra position can be useful for understanding the personality of your partner. To figure out your DaraKaraka or 7th Lord check out these two articles:The Meanings of Astrology Lords in Sidereal AstrologyWhat does each of your planets represent? (Quick Jaimini Karakas) AshviniBharaniKrittikaRohiniMrigashirshaArdraPunarvasuPushyaAshleshaMaghaPurva PhalguniUttara PhalguniHastaChitraSwatiVishakhaAnuradhaJyeshthaMulaPurva AshadhaUttara AshadhaSravanaDhanishtaShatabhishaPurva BhadrapadaUttara BhadrapadaRevati Ashvini (1) 7th Lord Ashwini nakshatra / Darakaraka Ashwini nakshatra
Sidereal Astrology Love, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility

Vedic Astrology Moon Nakshatra Marriage Compatibility

All About Nakshatras: The 27 Nakshatras; Ashvini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Mula, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati, all find themselves compatible with each other in different ways. You need to look at all the levels of compatibility, not just one area. You can get a point in each area and add them up at the end to see your overall compatibility. This is a breakdown of compatibility for marriage, friendship is an entirely different matter. Remember to look at all your Moon, Sun and Lagna nakshatras for compatibility, though the Moon sign should be the most looked at place...
Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra’s affect on the Face? (Men and Women)
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, All About Sidereal Astrology Nakshatra, Featured, Sidereal Astrology Love

Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra’s affect on the Face? (Men and Women)

Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra's affect on the Face? (Men and Women): - Astrology Appearance: What are the Nakshatra's affect on the Face? (Men and Women): - www.freesiderealastrology.comClaire Nakti from Cosmetique Astrology discusses some of the affect your nakshatra can have on your facial structure for Moon, Sun and Ascendant. With special emphasis on the strength of the Moon's position on your facial structure. Adding that planets aspecting (especially Rahu / Ketu) the 1st House or placed in the 1st House can also provide energy that can have an affect on your face.She discusses men and women in separate videos. Though you may find that the opposite gender's video may be applicable to you also.Link to Full Seri...
Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, Sidereal Astrology Love

Author: Where will meet partner / symbolism at meeting

Marriage/Spouse Meeting circumstances in Astrology Where, How and What You See. Men: Find where Venus is in chart, sign (where), house (how). Women: Find where Jupiter is in chart, sign (where), house (how). 7th Lord's opposition = symbolism in first meeting. Example: Women: Aries Ascendant, 7th Lord is Venus, Jupiter in Taurus in 1st House, opposition of Taurus/1st is Scorpio in 7th. So for meeting as a woman it may be in a place of sex or taxes, and the symbolism could be a symbol of beauty, or balance. Men: Aries Ascendant, 7th Lord is Venus, Venus in Scorpio in 8th House, opposition of Scorpio/8th is Taurus in 2nd. So for meeting as a man it may be in a place of luxury or a bank, and the symbolism could be somethin...
Astrology Attraction Compatibility – Are You Attracted To Them? Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter
Sidereal Astrology Love, Featured, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility

Astrology Attraction Compatibility – Are You Attracted To Them? Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter

Are You Attracted To Them? Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter - Astrology Attraction Compatibility: Sun is important because it's your happiness, your soul and your strength. It is also romance, which is why its used so much in compatibility. Venus symbolises the love bond, like marriage, the "joining connection" of partnership and marriage. The sun symbolises the courtship, the getting to know someone. The right kind of creating happiness to lead to a relationship. Jupiter represents the ability to be a teacher and student in the role of a husband. To provide wealth and wisdom. Ok so there are four main types of relationships... girl to girl, girl to guy, girl to guy and guy to guy... Enjoy! The colours below are chakras/nerve clusters. -- Girl to Girl [Female Friends and/or Lesb...
Are You Attracted To Them? Part 2: Passion
Sidereal Astrology Love, Astrology Videos, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility

Are You Attracted To Them? Part 2: Passion

Manglik Dosha (Vedic Astrology) Love Match In Horoscope Munglic = Mars in 1/2/4/7/8/12th House = Super Passionate Non-Munglic = Mars in 3/5/6/9/10/11th House = Steady Passion Noun: Manglik Word Derives from the word Mangal, which is Mars' name in Sanskrit. Wiki Answers, Hindi. 2014. What are the names of nine planets in Hindi. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2014]. Someone born at in a range of particular times when the position of Mars gives a horoscope with negative influence; some believe that if two Mangliks marry the negatives cancel leading to a happy life. WordWeb dictionary definition, 2014. Manglik. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2014]. This...
The Difference Between Love and Romance
Sidereal Astrology Love, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility

The Difference Between Love and Romance

There is two distinct differences between love and romance. That different planets rule them, and that they are actually two different increments of timing. Venus is Love, which is to feel tender affection or ongoing for someone. Love is that deep feeling we get when we know someone loves us unconditionally with no strings attached. Sun is Romance, which is the courtship process in which the person or the relationship is idealized. Romance is the small but important things we do for each other everyday in our relationship. Romance is the base where love grows and blossoms from. The honeymoon Period. The creative things you think up to win over the object of your affection. Traditionally; Venus is split into two parts: Taurus: The love of possessions and Libra: The love of people. So ...
Sidereal Astrology Love, Astrology Videos, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility


Sidereal Astrology Marriage Love Partnership Compatibility: Articles 7th Lord Nakshatra positions / Darakaraka Nakshatra Are You Attracted To Them? Part 1: Ascendant Compatibility Are You Attracted To Them? Part 2: Passion Are You Attracted To Them? Part 3 and 4: Venus and Jupiter How Astrology Dasha Time Periods Work Astrology Nakshatra Marriage Compatibility   Videos   Marriage Horoscope Match In Vedic Astrology (Secret to Successful Marriage) - Don't have same ascendant because you will have similar life pattern and therefore have bad times together. - Make sure your spouses ascendant is compatible via planet. - Munglic = marry someone with the same pattern, its useful in terms of matching the level of energy and passion you have. - Munglic = Mars in 1/2...
Sidereal Astrology Love, Free Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 7: Compatibility, Sidereal Astrology Ascendant

Are You Attracted To Them? Part 1: Ascendant Compatibility

So the Ascendant is the External Body so it determined whether you find them physically attractive and is very important in terms of your life path. But warning, you may find their external attractive but their internal is a complete waste of your time ;) We have all been in that situation ;) So the internal will be covered in the other Parts, but so this is just external attraction :) But so being attracted to someone is extremely important in its own right. So you are most attracted to yourself (see below and also look at long term compatibility for references about dating an exactly the same ascendant), then friends signs, then you kind-of-like your neutral signs and its determined that you find your enemy sign not your type. Aries Ascendant Yourself: Mars Scorpio Ascendant and A...
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