Sidereal Astrology Guide – Step 12: The Beyond

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What Kind Of Shoes Do You Like? What Influences Your Feet.
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

What Kind Of Shoes Do You Like? What Influences Your Feet.

So the 12th House/Pisces rules over your feet. As you can see from the above image and depending on what is affecting the House/Sign, determines how you treat your feet :). 12th Lord. Look to the 12th Lord in terms of the overall feeling of your feet. The Lord's placement is considered fuel in the engine rather than the car itself. But definitely affects the "overall vibe" of your feet and the whisper in your ear of how to treat them. To figure out out the Lord, follow this article for a quick further help. For example, for an Aries Ascendant, Jupiter will rule over the 12th House. When you have worked out your ruling planet (in the above example, Jupiter), you look to where Jupiter is in your birth chart and see where it is placed. So the 12th Lord is in the _ house. Whe...
How to do an Aura Reading in Sidereal Astrology
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond, Useful

How to do an Aura Reading in Sidereal Astrology

How to do an Aura Reading in Sidereal Astrology: So, basics: Your aura is based off your planet degrees. -- An aura is a pulsation for your nerve clusters (western science)/ chakras (eastern science) or planets (astrological terminology), all these terms mean the same thing. "The chakra system can been viewed as a "seven-leveled philosophical model of the universe." The seven chakras (Sanskrit for wheels or disks) are wheels of bio-energetic activity radiating from nerve ganglia (clusters) that start at the base of the spine and continue on to the crown of the head." Source. -- How to do an Aura reading: Size 1 to 7 Biggest Planet (from Sun to Saturn; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) = 1st Aura Field. Smallest Planet = 7th Field. Meaning So... The meaning i...
How to Improve Your Energy and Strength
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

How to Improve Your Energy and Strength

So. How to improve your Energy is to akin yourself to doing things of your specific Mars. How to improve your Strength is to akin yourself to doing things of your specific Sun. So, things like colour and attributes which you consume in your day to day life are important. So... for example, is Mars is in Pisces, to boost your energy you would need to do things of Pisces and if your Sun was in Sagittarius, to boost your strength you would need to do things of Sagittarius. First: Colours. This is important for boosting the nerve clusters/chakras. If you boost the quality of the chakra your willpower or soul is connected to, then you will boost the original chakra too. Ie, the Sun's native is the Third Eye, but say, with a Sun in Sagittarius its in the Sacral, so these two...
What Time of Day Are You Most Powerful?
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

What Time of Day Are You Most Powerful?

Remember this is utilisable for all planets, So say your Sun is in Scorpio, Moon is in Sagittarius and Ascendant in Capricorn. The mixture of your personality is a twilight/night/night personality. But say you want to boost a particular part of your life. Say your Amatya Karaka (indicator for career) for Career is in Scorpio, so your career is boosted during Twilight. So going to the last job interview of the day will boost your possibility if its aligned with your career planet, because the planet is most comfortable at this time :). Its most relaxed. Gandan Haras: Day Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces. Twilight Scorpio and Cancer. Night Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. References Goodwin, J. K., 2009. Advanced Primer of Si...
What Weather Are You Best Suited For – Weather Astrology?
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond, Featured

What Weather Are You Best Suited For – Weather Astrology?

What Weather Are You Best Suited For - Weather Astrology? Your external body, is governed by your Ascendant. It shows how you look on the outside, ie, an Aries Ascendant looks aggressive even if has softer signs on the inside. So your Ascendant (external body) determines also how you deal with the external climate. As the climate affects foremost your body, ie, it does affect the other planets but no where near as much as the body. Ie, your body notices a change in temperature prior to you noticing that your emotionally happy because its raining (for a moon in cancer), etc. So Aries and Scorpio are both ruled by Mars so both like the same climate, as do others. So this is why in compatibility, the ascendants make such a big deal because it can determine where you want to live or when ...
How Fast is Your Time?
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

How Fast is Your Time?

So Saturn is Time. The Root Chakra. So he rules over anything that you spend a lot of time doing, ie, your career, your stability, your structure and boundaries. So wherever Saturn is depends on how fast your Time occurs :) Speed 1 being quickest and Speed 6 being the slowest. The speed is determined by the Lightness of the Element of the connected Chakra. Remember to look at both house and sign :). - Saturn in Aries/1st House Speed 4, Your Root Chakra is connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra. This means your Time is determined by Power (as the Solar Plexus Chakra is Mars). So this means that your time moves like Fire, it is quick to act and brings with it the force of Energy. Like aggression, it is native in a person and is determined by how much energy they have. So for your Time t...
Rahu and Ketu: The Human Experience
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

Rahu and Ketu: The Human Experience

So Rahu/ The North Node, and Ketu/ The South Node, Are your life's path in this lifetime. You have incarnated to learn about them. Being human means to learn about your likes and dislikes. You feel yourself pulled towards something. And you feel yourself separated from something else. Rahu's pull of obsession is what you are born to do, what it is you must have. Ketu's separation is what you must learn to spiritually understand, What it is you cannot have. Make your life easier by observing them. Rather than hindering them. Eventually then, they will reach a peace in which you will be able to tell how exactly to be happy. When they want you to obsess or separate, to teach you your life's lessons. To make you pass this "test" of the world :) Good luck. -- (c) Watcher, S, 20...
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

Biological Perspectives in Astrology

[youtube] The Planet's Affect on the Energy on Earth: "Astrology suggests that the motion of the planets has an effect on us... Even though Jupiter orbits a long way from the Sun and has only about a thousandth of its mass, there is still some tidal effect. Alternative researchers I.R.G. Wilson, B.D. Canter, and I.A. Waite, writing on the site, have suggested that the movements of the planets, principally the giant outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune do indeed affect the solar cycle via tidal forces. Just as the Earth and Moon orbit around a center of gravity that is not exactly at the center of the Earth, due to the Moon's own gravity, so with the Sun and the planets. The center of mass of the Solar Sy...
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

Astrology in Psychology

Sun is the ID The unconscious driver of who you are and the why(s) behind your wants and needs. Its want what you want to fulfill your souls requirements to live but isn't a conscious choice but an innate request to have to be happy. “The id is the primitive, instinctive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principle. Freud referred to the id as the reservoir of psychic energy. By this he meant that the id houses the raw biological urges (to eat, sleep, defecate, copulate, and so on) the energize human behaviour. The id operates according to the pleasure principle, which demands immediate gratification of its urges. The id engages in primary-process thinking, which is primitive, illogical, irrational, and fantasy orientated.” Moon is the Ego The conscious an...
Astrology Signs Role in Life (Golden Dawn)
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond, Featured

Astrology Signs Role in Life (Golden Dawn)

Astrology Signs Role in Life (Golden Dawn): "The Golden Dawn" are a famous Western occult society still practicing today. They follow sidereal astrology and 300 years ago re-wrote the Western tarot deck to work with Sidereal astrology :). They connected a major Arcana card to a star sign, but also, the Face cards. The Face cards being King, Queen and Jack/Knight. Bit of trivia for you, casino/mainstream playing cards are derived from the Tarot :). Tarot being worldwide cards used for psychological projection for thousands of years (ie, they are a psychological mapping for you to project your subconscious into). So here are the Face cards and what they mean and what signs they are :). It is done by Qualities :). -- K = King The face of the kingdom and the one...
Sidereal Astrology Guide - Step 12: The Beyond

Chinese Astrology: Four Tier Astrology

Four Pillars The Four Pillars method can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC – AD 220), and is still much used in Feng Shui astrology and general analysis today. The Four Pillars or Columns chart is called such as the Chinese writing causes it to fall into columns. Each pillar or column contains a stem and a branch—and each column relates to the year, month, day and hour of birth. The first column refers to the year animal and element, the second to the month animal and element, the third to the day animal and element, and the last to the hour animal and element. Within the 'Four Pillars', the Year column purports to provide information about one's ancestor or early age, and the Month column about one's parents or growing age. The Day column purports to offer information about ones...
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