Tag: Sun in 7th House

Sun in 7th House
Sidereal Astrology Sun, Chart Content

Sun in 7th House

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO1B1h7BrbkSun In The Seventh House of Astrology Birth Chart (sun in the 7th house)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_v1lSJOMLwSUN in 7th house of Vedic Astrology Birth Charthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgD5SqIsX0oSun in the 7th House of Horoscope | Learn Vedic Astrology "With Sun positioned in 7th house of partnerships, the native is likely to gain from a marriage or business association. You have a tendency to seek a partner who stands higher on the social ladder. Such a person however should only associate with people of similar background, where they can feel equal. Major differences could cause rifts. In case such an association takes place, the workability of the relationship entirely depends upon the conjunct or aspecting planets."Read more...
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