How to do a Hora Chart

The Hora Chart is the Wealth Chart.

If a planet is strong in the Hora chart that planet will give you wealth. The more planets, obviously, you are able to obtain more wealth.

Sign Rulership:

Even Signs = Ruled by Sun as 2Taurus,4Cancer,6Virgo,8Scorpio,10Capricorn,12Pisces.

Odd Signs = Ruled by Moon as 1Aries,3Gemini,5Leo,7Libra,9Sagittarius,11Aquarius.

“Moon, Mars and Saturn become strong in Moon Hora. Jupiter, Sun and Venus become strong in Sun Hora. Mercury is neutral, while Rahu/Ketu are not counted.”

Ascendant Degrees:

First 15 Degrees = Chart ruled by Sun.

Last 15 Degrees = Chart ruled by Moon.

House Rulership

Ruled by Sun = 12th, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th Houses.

Ruled by Moon = 1st, 4th, 8th, 10th, 11th Houses.

Neutral = 3rd and 6th Houses [depending on Mercury placement].

Dreyer, R. G., 1997. Vedic astrology : a guide to the fundamentals of jyotish. 2nd ed. Boston, MA, USA: Red Wheel/Weiser.

Sun, Mars and Jupiter are strongest in the Hora of the Sun which is masculine and they are male planets.

Moon, Venus and Saturn are strongest in the Hora of the Moon which is feminine. And Mercury is neutral.

So the Hora of your Ascendant also important, because it determines the horas of all the houses.

So as states above houses under the lordship of Moon, Venus and Saturn are beneficial houses if your Ascendant is in the Hora of the Moon.

And Sun, Mars and Jupiter’s houses are beneficial if your Ascendant is in the Hora of the Sun.

Horas for Ascendant:

1º-15º Aries: Sun

16º-30º Aries: Moon

1º-15º Taurus: Sun

16º-30º Taurus: Moon

1º-15º Gemini: Sun

16º-30º Gemini: Moon

1º-15º Cancer: Sun

16º-30º Cancer: Moon

1º-15º Leo: Sun

16º-30º Leo: Moon

1º-15º Virgo: Sun

16º-30º Virgo: Moon

1º-15º Libra: Sun

16º-30º Libra: Moon

1º-15º Scorpio: Sun

16º-30º Scorpio: Moon

1º-15º Sagittarius: Sun

16º-30º Sagittarius: Moon

1º-15º Capricorn: Sun

16º-30º Capricorn: Moon

1º-15º Aquarius: Sun

16º-30º Aquarius: Moon

1º-15º Pisces: Sun

16º-30º Pisces: Moon


In this case;

Ascendant at 21.8º Aries: 16º-30º Aries is Moon = Chart is in the Hora of the Moon.

So as states above,

Houses under the lordship of Moon, Venus and Saturn are beneficial houses if your Ascendant is in the Hora of the Moon.

Houses under the lordship of Sun, Mars and Jupiter houses are beneficial if your Ascendant is in the Hora of the Sun.

Moon is lord of 4th, Venus is lord of 2nd/7th and Saturn is lord of 10th/11th.

Sun is lord of 5th, Mars is lord of 1st/8th and Jupiter is lord of 9th/12th.

So houses in the Hora of the Moon are strongest for an Aries Ascendant, these are 4th, 2nd, 7th, 10th and 11th Houses.

For planets,

Sun, Mars and Jupiter are strongest in the Hora of the Sun which is masculine and they are male planets.

Moon, Venus and Saturn are strongest in the Hora of the Moon which is feminine. And Mercury is neutral.

So Moon, Venus and Saturn are Strong and Sun, Mars and Jupiter are Weak for an Aries 15+ degrees Ascendant.

For signs,

Even Signs = Ruled by Sun as 2Taurus,4Cancer,6Virgo,8Scorpio,10Capricorn,12Pisces.

Odd Signs = Ruled by Moon as 1Aries,3Gemini,5Leo,7Libra,9Sagittarius,11Aquarius.

So Signs ruled by Moon as 1Aries,3Gemini,5Leo,7Libra,9Sagittarius,11Aquarius are Strong in this chart.

Long example of planets in Hora,

Sun is Weak in this Chart.

Sun at 15.7º Sagittarius: 1º-15º Sagittarius is Moon:Strong. Sun is in 8th House as Sun:Weak.

Moon is Strong in this Chart.

Moon at 4.18º Virgo: 1º-15º Virgo is Sun:Weak. Moon is in 5th House as Sun:Weak.

Venus is Strong in this Chart.

Venus at 21.56º Scorpio: 16º-30º Scorpio is Sun:Weak. Venus is in 8th House as Sun:Weak.

Mars is Weak in this Chart.

Mars at 25.41º Pisces: 16º-30º Pisces is Sun:Weak. Mars is in 11th House as Moon:Strong.

Jupiter is Weak in this Chart.

Jupiter at 3.14º Taurus: 1º-15º Taurus is Sun:Weak. Jupiter is in 1st House as Sun:Weak.

Saturn is Strong in this Chart.

Saturn at 11.46º Sagittarius: 1º-15º Sagittarius is Moon:Strong. Saturn is in 8th House as Sun:Weak.

Mercury is Neutral in this Chart.

Mercury at 1.3º Capricorn: 1º-15º Capricorn is Sun:Weak. Mercury is in 9th House as Sun:Weak.

Rahu at 13.0º Aquarius: 1º-15º Aquarius is Moon:Strong. Rahu is in 10th House as Moon:Strong.

Ketu at 13.0º Leo: 1º-15º Leo: Moon:Strong. Ketu is in 4th House as Moon:Strong.

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